Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 55 In Urdu Subtitles
Watch Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 55 In Urdu Subtitles , Should we go back to Mosul now? When did you see me back down? I turned against them with all my fury.
I’ll take revenge on them for what they did to me. Let the soldier come from Mosul, now From now on, I won’t accept anyone’s control We’ll implement our own judgment Come on Preparations for the Gaza campaign is almost over, sir.Thank God it ended here. I will set out on my campaign against the enemy. I won’t tolerate anything else. Go to your room and don’t let me see you ASHKELON They will attack Gaza too, right? With this negligence, they’ll be exposed.
They’ll hand over the state to the enemy. They violated our rule. They harmed our reputation, sir. This will hinder our campaign on Gaza. Let’s , JERUSALEM Amalric took Sultan Nur adDin from us and ruined it all. I was about to get Saladin and Nur adDin I was going to take over the Damascus. If you keep talking. You will be my first prey, Karategin. You take out your grudge against your brother on others, is that so? Go and gain strength against Sultan Nur adDin.
Watch Kurulus Osman Season 2 Bolum In 55 Urdu Subtitles
What did Saladin do? Are the preparations in the tribe are done? They are still continuing. Let’s go to Ismet Hatun. She made great sacrifices while we were away. We must pay back our thanks to her. I have an important matter to address to her about the Gaza campaign. Hurry up. Groom the horses so they don’t stumble. Come on. Come on They won’t come back without killing the enemy Come on Come on.
I also organized the women of the tribe. We’ll support you from the back. You have endured a lot of hardships. And you’re still suffering. What’s that compared to what you suffered? Bring the swords. As if your enemies are not enough, your brother became your enemy as well. Once our loved ones help us, no burden will be too heavy. Sir News has come from the warriors of the borders. A large number of Jewish warriors have been seen. Jewish warriors? Avram did it. They are heading towards the Damascus. They are clearly planning to attack us.
Download Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 55 In Urdu Subtitles
If they didn’t threaten me with Avram, they would have been long gone I disgust that man If he hadn’t supported us, I would have killed him. Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 54 In Urdu Subtitles. I doubt Avram. He is doing secret work. We’ll watch him. The Zanki’s will want to attack Gaza as well. There, I’ll take every precaution of defense. They threw us into a big war. But we’ll win that war.
BORU’S TRIBE There is no news from the palace yet, sister. The soldiers are here. How will we get out of this? Nur adDin ASHKELON You showed me the fox from underneath tiger skin again. You said you wouldn’t attack my tribe. Not only you did, you tried beating my sister If I wanted to hurt her, I would have taken hurt to palace. You do a lot of things. They hurt us a lot You backed away and came to your hideout. I’m waiting for the right time to attack my prey.