Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 119 In Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 119 In Urdu Subtitles

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 119 In Urdu Subtitles Before I’ll destroy infidel Hungarians, my fire won’t go away. Thanks God, there is fighting together in our fate. As for your fire, I have cold drinks. Oh God Hearts are in your hand alone. Make us united. Don’t let our brothers. Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 119

go in the wrong way. Oh God, please make us be with you, Oh God, please make us be with you, And with those Muslims, Let us win victories for you, God. We worship you alone. We do not subject us to others. Give strength to our Sultan, army. And those who fight against the infidels. Do not deprive us of your victory. Amen. Thank God. I came once I got your call. You know, Timur’s threat. That’s why, I left a big part of my army behind. I’m here with a personal unit. I wish you didn’t tire yourself out. Maybe we’ll martyrs, right? I do not desire kingship or sultanate. Martyrdom is a great rank. I hope we’ll be worth of it. God willing, brother Murat Han.

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Bolum 119 In Urdu Subtitles

This is our desire and prayer as well. I also brought my family to your capital for this reason. If God takes our lives, they’ll come to pray for me. Let’s go to the battlefield first. We’ll see then. They must be hungry Satisfy their hunger. Yes, Let everyone leave their weapons. If we’ll die, or the enemy will die. We met you years ago when Gulsah was a child, Halime Hatun. How time quickly time passes, right?

Yes. God Bless.And Harem. It smiles. Don’t be sad and make me sad. Let your faces always smile. Is Bursa far away, great mother? No, my son. Whenever you want to see me, you can come and visit us. Yes, By the way. He doesn’t have sword training. He wants to become an Akinci. I said no, but he insisted. I can, Don’t mind my inexperienced. I can ride horses, and throw arrows. I can do it all. I can become an Akinci. Listen to me, They aren’t Akinci’s, brave man. Rather, they are the candidates. Isn’t that Prince Mehmet? It is him, My old friend Federico.

Download Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 119 In Urdu Subtitles

I heard you went on a long trip. Go back if you want. Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 118 In Urdu Subtitles. Don’t let your children and wife worry about you. Only concern of their is that I didn’t obey our Emperor. Don’t let this cold death follow that concern, Federico. Hand me Orhan. It is the order of Emperor Demetrius. Orhan will be handed over to the Ottomans.

You know I won’t allow this. Don’t force us to use swords against you. This is your choice. I am not responsible for Christian blood that will be shed. May the Lord forgive you. I didn’t know you loved me so much Not for you, rather for the future of our Emperor. Where? I’ll have to hide you for a while, Orhan. Will you do that while Zagnos awaits us? Notaras wants to take advantage of you to take his position.

Is that so? No, the thing he wants not reputation or position. What is it then? Helena. He wants Helena. What? This is the way, Bali Bey. Do you know anything about Vlad’s soldiers? We heard that they withdrew to the mountains. But winter is coming, they can’t survive in the mountains. Why did you ask? We have to meet Wallachians who wants revenge

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