Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 105 In Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 105 In Urdu Subtitles

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 105 In Urdu Subtitles I think their number will also be greater. What do you ask of me, sir? A new victory will be written in our glorious history. Get ready. Be of help to me. The prince was exhausted. We gave him medicine, he’ll sleep for a while. My lion.Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 105

My hero. Your mother will always be by your side. I’ll be here to protect you. I’m sorry, Halime Hatun. How is our prince? Have you come to finish your work, Huma? What do you say, Halime? Do you hear what you’re saying? Isn’t your helper who tried to kill my son? Didn’t you stop and just watch while my son was suffocating? What are you talking about, Halime? Do you understand what you are saying?

Why would Huma Hatun do that? We don’t know that you didn’t cooperate with her Or do you think I forgot your stories you told my son, Mara? Pray for the sleeping prince over there. Otherwise, I would have held you accountable here What would you do? Would you have killed me, too? I attribute your audacity to your grief. Don’t exceed your limits.

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Bolum 105 In Urdu Subtitles

You will answer to Sultan Murad for trying to kill my prince. Don’t you know anything but slander? Do you think that the Sultan Murad will be convinced of your lies? Let our Sultan listen to me. And then you will see if it is a lie or the truth Now get out of the room Get out Huma Your anger will not harm anyone else. Isn’t this unfortunate? Enough, don’t you see what she accuses me of?

When did our Sultan believed her lies to believe her now? Who would believe that you tried to kill prince Ahmed? No one, I know that. But I don’t have anymore energy to bear her lies. I get that she doesn’t want her son to get hurt. But her accusations against me every time exhausted me. Everyone does what suits them. She’ll see that she can’t hurt you, be patient. Was he also with them? Send a messenger immediately. The informant who sent us false information from Transylvania.

Candarli Is this how you feed the soil with blood? Sir, forgive me. I didn’t see you were here. No one can predict when and where I will be. Even you. Sir, in order to achieve your mercy. No need to explain. I know the details, but. Sir, Prince Mehmed wants to see you. God willing. We managed to break up The Crusaders before they united. Catholic Knights can no longer join Janos. According to what I heard. You declared your sultanate in Saruhan I mint currencies in your name.

Download Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 105 In Urdu Subtitles

Agreements were made with the apostles. Is this true, Mehmed? Sir Cough, my prince. Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 104 In Urdu Subtitles. Cough. Open your mouth, open it. Dear Ahmet Leave my prince What did you do to him? Son Your mother is here. Call the doctor Let them prepare the healing house Your mother is beside you, breathe. Breathe, son, breathe, my prince. You’ll get better.

Help us Was it you who sent me to die, mother? You, me. And everyone in this room. Is not important than Byzantine. I did what I had to do for to keep the empire alive. I am your son, mother You were so until you united with Catholics Is that why you made Emperor Johannes die? I didn’t minted those golds, I thought Venetians only problem was to ruin trade. But, it wasn’t their only plan. What was it? Who knows Maybe they wanted you to send an Akinci leader and kill me. You created a council, listened to artists and merchants problem. And you issue rulings like sultans Did Venetians do this, Mehmed? While our Sultan ran from one war to another.

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