Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 80 In Urdu Subtitles

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 80 In Urdu Subtitles , Candarli Ali Pasa. Yes, sir. Do you know the prayer that my grandpa, Murad Han, said on these lands? Oh God! Make me a sacrifice for these Muslims. Do not defeat a believer at the hands of infidels. Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 80

I sacrifice my life for this victorious army. Accept my prayer. Amen. Hopefully. Either we will be a victorious Muslim, Or a martyred soldier. God willing, sir. Hopefully. What are you trying to do, Janos? We put a lot of effort into that union. Why did you kill the prince of Moldavia? His mind was full of doubt. I saved him from torment. He should be grateful to me. There wasn’t a single Moldavia soldier left outside. And you are lying back and enjoying yourself. There is no need for all this stress. There isn’t any Moldavian that knows their prince is dead. What do you mean? Where are they? Some of them wait in the dark valley, where I will ambush the Akinci’.

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 3 Bolum In 80 Urdu Subtitles

Of course, they don’t know what they carry. While they think they’ll be given the Turks and run to Murad’s tent. After the flamed arrows of Moldavians. Boom! Trap! Protect the prince. There are many of them, Prince.Did you have a bad dream, son? My roses! The roses my father gave me. Mehmed! Protect the prince. The Ottomans, whom you decided to sell your brothers for, stands there.

But I won’t be as cruel as you. Here’s your chance. Whoever reaches the Ottomans will be saved. Whoever does not will be a target for our arrows. And maybe they’ll know what will happen to them when they see you. Let’s go. Come on, walk. Let’s go. Archers! They say Hungarians are strong. Is that true, sir? There is no one stronger than us on the battlefield. Be brave.Bags filled with gunpowder were placed on their backs.

Download Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 80 In Urdu Subtitles

What is this, sir? Who is there? There is an attack! Yes, sir. Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 79 In Urdu Subtitles. Protect the tent. Line up! What are these sounds? Protect the Sultan. Shields! The arrows come from the direction of the forest. To the forest! What’s going on, Candarli? Sir, we are under attack from the northern border. You enter your tent. Let’s go. Protect the Sultan.

Don’t forget, the biggest tent is Murad’s.Mehmed: Sultan of Conquers The story and characters in the series are inspired by history. No living beings were harmed while filming this series. I wonder if anyone has heard that we left Edirne? That’s no longer important now. You are silent and look distracted. That’s why I asked. How could I not be? We’re going to a royal city. I read all the details in a separate book. I remember when I first saw you at Enderun’s garden. You were all dirty. You blew up a cannon in Harem and flee. What about others? They will prove impossible to defeat Janos. How? I put Wallachians I blinded, and send them to Murad’s tent. will they hand them over? No.

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