Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 76 In Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 76 In Urdu Subtitles

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 76 In Urdu Subtitles, How can you deceive me and go behind my back? Do you realize that you’re really crazy? Orhan is the our only guarantee against the Ottomans. You spilled Christian blood for a helpless man. Orhan will go. Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 76

But this time, not alive, only his head. So, Zagnos’ head will accompany him. Zagnos? Yes. Mehmed’s teacher Zagnos. I have him. If you kill Orhan. I’ll kill Zagnos with my own hands. Guards! Release my mother Helena Dragas from prison immediately. So, you realized your mistake. Yes, sir. We want to be by your side facing the real enemy this time. Your apology covers your stupidity this time. Go ahead! Soldier. Don’t give them weapons. And take what they have. Which unit should we take them, sir? Weren’t you looking for men to help Urban? Let them help with that. Yes, sir. By the way. They must be hungry! Satisfy their hunger. Yes, sir. Let everyone leave their weapons.

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 3 Bolum In 76 Urdu Subtitles

She’ll be executed now. As you wish, brother. Let Orhan and Zagnos keep their heads. All nobles will witness this. Make the necessary call. My brother and I don’t want to be alone while watching this unforgettable event. Right, brother? When I saw Kurtcu, I remembered those dark days.

The betrayal they inflicted on us. Just as there is a time for patience, there is a time for revenge. I know that, sir. But I can’t end the pain in my heart. Wisdom will end the miracles. Courage and boldness are nice, but. Knowledge of politics. It is the best of all. We’ll remain silence in order not to create chaos until time comes. And when it comes? When it’s comes. We’ll hurt those who did to us. Come on, prayer. Dear Byzantine nobles! Even if the traitor was my mother. She will pay the price. Let this be an example to all of you. The traitor is not our holy saint. Rather, the traitor is you, Emperor! Take that dog. What you are doing is an execution without trial! Moreover, we know that you I made an agreement with the Turks. What do you wait for, Alex? Take them!

Download Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 76 In Urdu Subtitles

Are you also opposing the Emperor? So it’s over here! My Empress. Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 75 In Urdu Subtitles. My son Johannes’ real heir! Long live the Byzantine Emperor Constantinos! Long live the Emperor! Long live the Emperor! The security of this region is of great importance,

Candarli. The Akinci’s leaded by our prince must be there, sir. The support we got from Candaroglu and Ramazanoglu. Let them position them left and right. Okay. Ulukadirler. Must be on the right side. Peace be upon you. Peace be upon you. Welcome, Ibrahim Bey. Thank you. I’ll tell our Sultan. If you want, you can. My lord. Son of Karaman, Ibrahim has come. You with a honored tribe. And you honored, Ibrahim! Welcome. iter You brought peace!

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