Kurulus Osman Season 1 Episode 19 In Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 1 Episode 19 In Urdu Subtitles

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 1 Episode 19 In Urdu Subtitles, Oh Karategin. Wing guard, step back. Otherwise I’ll cut off Red Patrol’s head.Let me get this iron helmet so that you can see my face. Do not move. Oh, oh What happened girl? You missed me, right? You knew me by my shoes She is a brave woman You have set traps downstairs, right? Will Karategin be deceived?

The wolf’s mind is intelligent. Look at me Bring me here my sister and others here and hand them over to me. Otherwise I’ll cut off your queen’s head. You won’t bring anyone He can’t do anything to me. I’m going to bite you now, girl. I won’t shed your bleed now, I’ll take your life. Take it, you scum Do that and they’ll kill you here And your sisters. Come on, take life, come on I’ll count to three If you don’t do what I say, I will cut off your queen’s head One Two Three Tomorrow is the last day, as a measure I agreed with Mevdud.

Kurulus Osman Season 1 Bolum 19 In Urdu Subtitles

I sent a message to Bernard that I’ll come to make a deal. Everything depends on getting them to the field. Once you do, we’ll move. Shirkoh, take command of the army. You’ll attack when you hear from Saladin. We’ll act when we receive the signal. May our invasion be blessed. Saladin will enter disguised as Crusaders with Sultan Nur adDin. Let’s tell Commander Bernard now. Come on Honestly,

I never expected that Sultan Nur adDin accepts the agreement. There is a claw of steel to bow every head, Queen. Nur adDin came across mine. Bring him to the field, he’ll pledge alliance me there. You agreed with Mevdud. What about him? Since Nur adDin here for an agreement, he won’t attack Damascus. Therefore, Mevdud no longer doesn’t matter. Now let’s go and enjoy Nur adDin bowing in front of me. Commander Bernard is waiting for you in Damascus Square.

Download Kurulus Osman Season 1 Episode 19 In Urdu Subtitles

You’ll go in alone. Wait here, Imad. Kurulus Osman Season 1 Episode 18 In Urdu Subtitles. I’ll go in and out like an army. Soon, your Sultan you trust much will come here He will kneel before me and pledge allegiance to me. You will see with your own eyes how I’ll disgrace your most powerful people Long live Commander Bernard Help us Well done, Sultan Nur adDin. You finally realized that you have to bow to power. Power is in the mind. He who wins with his mind, he will seal this field with his power.

Let’s see are you smart enough to bring your men with you and play your game? Or am I smart enough to ruin your game? Take off your helmets. Take them off These Crusader patrols saw our game of entering with Sultan Nur adDin. We prevented them, but. Just in case, we’ll enter as a patrol, not for Sultan Nur adDin. Let’s go. We secretly placed the explosives, sir. All Crusaders are nearby. But still everything depends on those prisoners. Be careful, no one will save you again. Throw him in the dungeon. We are ready to enter Damascus, sir.


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