Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 61 In Urdu Subtitles

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 61 In Urdu Subtitles , And now they will return immediately. I sent my men after them. Wait a little longer. Here, I told you My men are bringing the ark of the covenant. Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 61

Have you taken care of Gregor’s business? No, sir. Saladin’s men took it from Gregor. But we took it from them. Take the ark now. We’ll leave, hurry. Come on Hurry Now our warriors can swear loyalty and attack Damascus. Well done brave men, you did a good job. We gave the ark. What will we do now, Emir? The prey fell into the trap. Now it’s time to destroy. Heroic warriors of the Israelites To destroy the Muslims and establish our Jewish kingdom. The truth has come, falsehood has vanished.

They didn’t realize that we put gunpowder into the ark. Did you send the real ark to Omer Mella? We sent it, Emir. The secret keepers will keep it until the end of time. Let them be ruined by thinking the ark got destroyed. We destroyed all the obstacles that came our way. Now it is time to travel. Let’s go Sir Sir, are you okay? Ark of the covenant. Our most precious It blew up right in front of our eyes. Get up, sir.

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 2 Bolum In 61 Urdu Subtitles

This is one of the greatest disasters that happened to the Jews. We will not forget the shame you caused us. Gather the soldiers. We are returning. Saladin You shouldn’t have done it. You destroyed our most precious. I will destroy you JERUSALEM Gregor.

May our heavenly father take you to heaven. As God is my witness, I will avenge you. Cut that damn guy’s body into pieces and feed it to the dogs What are you saying? No matter what, he served us with his blood and his life. Because of that man, Saladin found the ark and destroyed it. Our strength has weakened. Everything is ruined because of this stupid guy. Avram,

the Zanki’s are making preparations to take Gaza. If they take Gaza, we’ll also lose Jerusalem. Now we have to act by trusting each other. My Queen Bloody Bernard is here. This is the man we need for Gaza. He should come now. Bloody Bernard wants a private meeting with Queen Victoria. Let him come. DAMASCUS We destroyed Gregor and the ark, sir.

Download Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 61 In Urdu Subtitles

The enemy got hurt.There is no other obstacle left in front of us for Gaza campaign. Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 60 In Urdu Subtitles. Tonight, we’ll have a wedding with Ismet Hatun. Our attack formation is ready. While they think we are marrying, we will surprise them and take Gaza.

May your marriage be lucky, sir. I hope you’ll have a brave son that suits you. And to raise him the way you raised me. I wasn’t tested with my kids, Saladin. I always had a son worthy of my case and state. You will always be my son as long as I live. My father took me on this path. I hope since I’m alive, that supporting hand would not leave me. Sir. Our spies have sent important news. Bloody Bernard came to Jerusalem.

A huge, sparkling palace. decorated and full of luxury. But the real gem that decorate the palace here Victoria. Bloody Bernard greets you with respect, Queen. You’ve never changed, Bernard You’re just like you were before That’s correct. We met pretty long time ago, right? Your mother. She killed my father. For what? For the sake of your kingdom. Why did you call me here now? To protect your kingdom. Your kingdom which caused my father’s death.

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