Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 77 In Urdu Subtitles

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 77 In Urdu Subtitles, Thank you, brother Murad Han. Thank God, we caught up. We entered your tent and felt glad to see your face. The steppe keeps you strong. iter The steppe keeps you strong. Obviously the years don’t make you wear out. But you’re tired from the road. Let me make preparations for you and rest. The war flag is up.Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 77

Before I’ll destroy infidel Hungarians, my fire won’t go away. Thanks God, there is fighting together in our fate. As for your fire, I have cold drinks. Oh God! Hearts are in your hand alone. Make us united. Don’t let our brothers. go in the wrong way. Oh God, please make us be with you, iter Oh God, please make us be with you, And with those Muslims, Let us win victories for you, God. We worship you alone. We do not subject us to others. Give strength to our Sultan, army. And those who fight against the infidels. Do not deprive us of your victory. Amen. Thank God. I came once I got your call.

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 3 Bolum In 77 Urdu Subtitles

You know, Timur’s threat. That’s why, I left a big part of my army behind. I’m here with a personal unit. I wish you didn’t tire yourself out. Maybe we’ll martyrs, right? I do not desire kingship or sultanate. Martyrdom is a great rank. I hope we’ll be worth of it. God willing, brother Murat Han. Hopefully. This is our desire and prayer as well. I also brought my family to your capital for this reason.

If God takes our lives, they’ll come to pray for me. Let’s go to the battlefield first. We’ll see then. If we’ll die, or the enemy will die. We met you years ago when Gulsah was a child, Halime Hatun. How time quickly time passes, right? Yes. God Bless. Daughter Gulsah is very beautiful. Thank you, ma’am. Is her husband fighting with Ibrahim Bey? She is single. We couldn’t find the right one. I hope you’ll be a bride to palaces, my beautiful daughter.

Download Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 77 In Urdu Subtitles

Look at Urban. As if I’m the one who was in prison for years! Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 76 In Urdu Subtitles. He does not sleep or get tired. Because his concern is different. What else will it be? He tries to kick Muslims out of here like us. Urban tries to save his daughter.

His daughter? I overheard Janos and Cardinal’s conversation.It turns out that Urban has a daughter named Zoe in Constantinople. What does Janos have to do with this? Byzantine prince. The Byzantine prince Demetrius. Once upon a time, he rebelled his father and took refuge in Serbia. And? Janos was fighting Turks at that time. When Urban did not participate in this war and ran away. Janos burned down the village where Urban lives. Did he sell his daughter as a slave to Byzantines? Watch out, you idiot! I will. Okay then, great. Have these ready tomorrow. Bring water here, son.

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